Accounting History Special Interest Group
The main purposes of the AHSIG are to further the Objects by: encouraging research and scholarship in the areas of accounting history; establishing a network of researchers and teachers in accounting history; enhancing the teaching of accounting history; providing support for PhD students in accounting history; developing close links with the accounting and/or finance profession so as to inform policy; publishing a newsletter and organising (and sponsoring) targeted workshops; developing and maintaining relationships with professional accountancy and/or finance institutes.
Welcome to the Accounting History Special Interest Group web-pages.
The main purposes of the AHSIG include:
- encouraging research and scholarship in accounting history;
- establishing and supporting a network of researchers and teachers in accounting history research;
- enhancing the teaching of accounting history;
- supporting the development of emerging scholars in accounting history;
- providing support for doctoral students in accounting history;
- providing a forum for interaction of ideas among accounting academics interested in accounting history;
- developing close links with similar groups elsewhere so as to foster and promote an international community of accounting historians.
Join us on LinkedIn
We invite all academics and professionals with an interest in Accounting Education to join our LinkedIn group. You do not need to be a member of BAFA, a member of the Special Interest Group, or based in the UK. Please follow us on LinkedIn.